“Your Genealogy Today” is a leading North American genealogy magazine. It is a “how-to” publication, giving tips, tools and advise to family historians about researching their ancestry. It is published by Moorshead Magazines Ltd. . This company also publishes “Internet Genealogy” and “History Magazine”.  Although based in Toronto, Canada, 90% of the circulation is in the USA.

The magazines can be obtained via subscription or via Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million  in the USA or Chapters book stores in Canada. Alternatively, they can be ordered or downloaded in PDF format from their online store.

The reason why we post about it, is that the September/October issue contains an article from our own Michael van Turnhout. The title of his article is “Snapshot of an Irish School”. It talks about what we can learn about the lives of our ancestors by looking at a typical school in the mid-nineteenth century. If you are interested to learn about your ancestors’ local school, why don’t you Contact Us

Overview of articles in the September/October issue of “Your Genealogy Today“.

The Name of a Rose: Connecting With the Past 
Sue Lisk finds that you can make amazing connections with your ancestors through hints they leave for future generations

Crimes Across Multiple Jurisdictions
Diane L. Richard follows a North Carolina family through court records

Discover Your WWI Ancestor Through State-Based Resources
Margaret Moen looks at State-based records you might encounter when searching for your WWI ancestor

Road Overseers, Surveyors of Highways, and Road Juries
David A. Norris looks at how early road-building records might pave the way to new genealogical information

Eyewitness to History: My Ancestor Was There!
Robbie Gorr discovers an ancestor who lived in Tombstone, Arizona during some of the most tumultuous times in Western US history

Using Apprentice Records for Genealogy Searches
Ed Storey explores apprenticeship program records and what they might reveal about ancestors who worked in the trades

Your Irish Ancestors and Their Schools
Michael van Turnhout looks at a snapshot of a 19th century school

Interview with Mary Tedesco
Leslie Michele Derrough sits down with the genealogy researcher and co-host of Genealogy Roadshow to learn about her passion for genealogy

Genealogy & the Law
Where there is – or isn’t – a will. Judy G. Russell explains what you might find in a probate

The Back Page
Dave Obee says: “Sometimes, it’s hard to see the obvious”